
. nothing...horny...break...." I concluded that this was Matt talking to Jake about his girlfriend. He was going to break up with her!! Downstairs I heard my mom making breakfast. I went down and suggested that Jake hadn't been doing anything to help around the house. She agreed with me and gave Jake a list of errands and chores to do. "Well I'm gonna leave now. See you later Jake," Matt said. "No, you should stay. It wont take Jake too long to do the work and we can talk," I quickly said to Matt, not wanting to miss a chance. "Umm.. sure. I'll stay. As long as you're ok with it, Jake." "Yeah it's fine. I'll be done soon," Jake said. He got his car keys and left the house to do the list of errands he was forced to run. Matt and I went upstairs to my room and sat down in awkward silence. "Soo... How's your girlfriend? You guys still together?" I asked Matt, knowing perfectly well the answer. "Well, we're not so good but we're still together." I sensed he didn't want to. But he didn’t, and Hermione wondered if Ron would have ever worked up the nerve to ask her out if the previous evening hadn’t happened."So you think I should just act like we’re a real couple," Hermione finally said, "and leave it to him to either play along or put a stop to it." He won’t put a stop to it, Hermione. He’ll be relieved, and he won’t be playing along, he’ll be in it for real."Ginny watched the stairs for students coming down to breakfast as the girls talked on, gasping and exclaiming over how mortifying it was to have been caught making out, then congenially comparing notes on the action that had ensued once Harry and Ron had shed their clothes. Occasionally Ginny would shush Hermione because someone was coming, then their conversation would resume.When Ginny admitted to being impressed by how her brother looked naked, Hermione confessed to having briefly considered helping her with Harry. Ginny arched her eyebrows before getting a rather pensive look on her face, and.
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